Friday, August 3, 2012

Thanking the one person that can't read this.


My dear, sweet, funny, Kate. It's amazing that through everything that is going on that you are what holds me together. The day you came into my world was the happiest day of my life. You made me a Mommy; the one thing I wanted in this whole wide world. From the second I held you I promised you that I would be the best parent to you that I could. Would I be perfect? Ha. Far from it. But I would try for you. We are together all.the.time. I wouldn't have it any other way.  For the rare times we are apart I find myself thinking about you, talking about you and most of all, missing you.  I tell you all the time how much I love you because it's true. I love you so much it hurts. My heart swells up just thinking about it and I want to cry.

Things have not been easy for me lately my dear girl.  I find myself in a dark, sad place often wondering when I will come out and see light again. I want you to know (and hopefully read one day) that it is you that clears my gray sky up. It's you that makes the old silly me come out to play again. (I'm seriously so silly, one day you will loathe it. I know it.)  So, thank you. Thank you for countless things. But most of all, thank you for being my dear, sweet, funny girl. I love you.

Oh, also? This was sort of a sad post. I needed to get it out though! They won't all be like that. I'm a pretty sarcastic, funny person if I do say so myself so stay tuned!



jOhanna said...

I <3 the relationship you and Katie have. I know that as she gets older it will only become stronger. You are an amazing mom!